Welcome to the Superplex, the place where I put my thoughts when I'm done having them.
In the beginning I had my own domain and yes, I had to write all the code myself but dammit, things went where I wanted them on the page. Then blogs came along and it seemed like they had attractive qualities for the more chronological kind of posting I wanted to be able to do. I started several blogs with Blogger but felt limited in all of them, so I went to WordPress. WordPress was a nightmare where I have at least one blog to this day that I can't get into because I changed my phone number once and failed to let WordPress know. Some of the material I managed to extract from that blog was used to seed a new blog on Tumblr. Tumblr is bizarre world I barely understand, but it allowed me to post pictures if in a clunky way and for a time I was happy there.
Recently, however, it's become more and more frustrating to make the kinds of tweaks I want on Tumblr. I get caught up in endless loops of links that seem to take me everywhere except where I want to go. Meanwhile, I kept noticing that all the blogs I liked best use a simple Blogger format, so here we are and once again the Great Migration will begin.